Friday, October 18, 2013

A Good Space Story

Good story of space So hi guys wow you wont believe what I just what ahhhhh there here there after me help 59 years later Im going to die in this space war see 59 years ago I was with a friend named hunter and I was at a coffee shop down on evergreen road and the first time I thought I saw something under the cloud and it was nothing I said to my self an as soon as I almost finish a word I was saying to hunter the beam struck down is that empty plot these little whit blue eye monsters some had wing some didn’t some just ran toward us and others around and me and hunter ran in a store apparently was a portal as soon as we closed the door the warp hole sucked us in and landed us in a ship we hided for awhile and mad sure everything was well human we one or two of them and we got out and then they pointed six sniper’s at us and they give us weapons and the only word we hear Is defend this was a rocket and taking us threw a giant worm hole and I think we went threw the moon and once we were on the shi we met another survivor his name was fawaz and he was at the hospital station I guess he shot himself accidentally and then we met riley he was a portal hacker expert and he could open close or just make window portal’s if he wanted oh and mark lost his family and he jumped into space and died without air the admirals threw a ferial for him and others like Brendan ah also went with mark and we captured an alien that would actually be are friend his name was Sam he helped stop the invasion 130 years from now then there was a scientist who helped riley sometime build portals there names were Kyle and Leo As we get threw the hall during the alien war I hear that Leo and Kyle are making a portal back to earth as we think that there has to be some way to fix what has happen to earth with the aliens and people are still out there waiting for help on the ground but it has so far effected all of USA and half of Canada there are nuke and we have discussed that that would wipe out all of alien ship’s but all the people that are still there would die so we try o find another way to save earth but are defenses are getting low ever since we attacked the command ship of the aliens I still don’t know how the T Mobile store was a portal to a ship that holds 1,000 soldier’s in one center and we 15 centers that’s 15,000 people that were attacking aliens from the ship as we get out of the hall way to center 4 there was something in the window it was yet another alien ship ready to attack I sprint to the command button and press the guards to century hall I yell threw the microphone after every one sees the ship they get on pods and fire at the ship after the ship falls the most un expected thing happens some of the debrief from the ship hit the moon so we had to get to the moon for a landing yard there were six aliens on the moon and we shoot them down and got back on he ship as the moon was hit it was knocked out of place and that effected earth a lot with are ship we had to pull it back in it place and after that we all get on the ship and once I get back on the ship I see a crowd a people at the window I look out of the window and it almost looks like there is a chunk of the earth missing from it as if there was a giant hole in the earth

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