Hi i'm Will and did you know that a lot of slaves were treated as friends from some slave owners. It is true that some of the slaves had a very good relation with there owners. Owners would either be nice or be mean it would be up to them what they would do. Even sometimes slave owners would have pashion for a slave and the slave would have pashion for the owner that would be eligal at the time so it would have to be a secret. Some slaves didn't have a choice to have pashion for there owner because the owner would make them or they would get hurt. But most of the time slaves and owners would have no connection and hate each other. So what i'm basically talking about is the fact that some slaves would have pashion for there owners and the owners would have pashion for the slave or they would not like each other at all and if they did then they would have to keep it a secret so that no one could get them arrested or hurt. So it was not a good idea back then for a white man and a black women to be together at that time.
It was horrible how people treated other people like animals.